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Full Version: User Cron jobs not working in cpanel
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I have a cpanel server and the cpanel cron jobs are not at all running. I can see them when I use command " crontab -l -u chris "  but in the cron log , I am not seeing any thing for this running. 

Do any of you have any idea in this case ? The only recent change made to the server which was near to 2 week before is server hardening. 


Recently  similar situation came in front of from a customer and the fix which worked for me was the below

1 st Fix

Check and confirm if you have enabled RESTRICT_SYSLOG and if enabled try disabling the same by changing the values  to 1 0r 2  

Reference Link :

2nd Fix

This fix has helped me a more than twice now . It seems some servers is having issues with LES and you might need to change the permissions of atleast 3 binaries in my expereince

From the installation log, I can see LES is changing permission of the binaries listed below to 700

server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /bin/dmesg
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /bin/mount
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /bin/rpm
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/write
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /bin/logger
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/ipcrm
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/ipcs
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/free
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/locate
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/wall
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /sbin/arp
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /sbin/ifconfig
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/sbin/repquota
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/sbin/tcpdump
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/wget
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/lynx
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/cc
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/gcc
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/logger
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/who
server les(5972): {sec.bin} chmod 700 /usr/bin/w
server les(5972): {glob} sec.bin enabled

Amoung those I only changed the below three which the cron jobs might be mostly depended.


Changing the above binaries to 755 permission fixed my issues and cron jobs for users started showing up in logs as well.
Reference Link :

#3 rd fix possibility

If you have cloudlinux / CageFS installted, then you might need to reinstate the Cagefs and see if that fixes or disabling the cagefs fully as well.

If any pf these 3 is not helping, then it needs more deep investigation.

Please check the above details.


You are a saviour !!!.. Yes My issue fixed after fixing the permission and yes there was LES installed during Hardening.

Once again Thanks a lot for this man !!! I owe you a beer ...
Glad to hear that Techllinux reply helped you Chris. Me also noted down the fix for future reference

Thank you Techyllinux



Adiditonaly to CSF RESTRICT_SYSLOG, once changed the option, you may have to change the permissio to 666 for /dev/log.

Reply from one of the cpanel techs
Non-default Perms: /dev/log [mode 0660] (default 0666) - CSF RESTRICT_SYSLOG can change this. Non-root users may not be able to log to syslog, including user cron jobs to /var/log/cron.

This may possibly be the cause of the crons to fail to properly load. I changed the permissions for the /dev/log file to 666 now so lets check to see if crons now run

[01:40:13 server101 root@7878233 /dev]cPs# stat log
File: `log'
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 socket
Device: 5h/5d Inode: 9592 Links: 1
Access: (0660/srw-rw----) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 494/mysyslog)
Access: 2016-11-03 01:59:01.741000037 -0400
Modify: 2016-11-02 01:58:43.860755866 -0400
Change: 2016-11-02 01:58:46.211755864 -0400
[01:40:15 server101 root@7878233 /dev]cPs# chmod 666 log
[01:40:23 server101 root@7878233 /dev]cPs#